Monday 14 November 2011

Dooplaya District, Central Karen State

The following is an update on a village that was hit with Burma Army mortar fire in June during fighting between the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), and Burma Army Infantry Battalion (IB) 283 (see previous report). On 7 June 2011, Burma Army mortar fire killed a seven-year-old child and wounded two other villagers when it landed in Mae Ta Ler Village in Kaw Taw Ri (Kawkareik) Township, Dooplaya District.

Pictured below is the deceased 7-year-old Saw Kaw Buh. He died that day (7 June 2011) from head injuries which he sustained due to mortar fire. 
7 year old Saw Kaw Buh, died from injuries sustained in a mortar attack
 Saw Lar, 17, was placed in the hospital with injuries to the left cheek and shoulder. The wounds are visible in the below picture and he is now in recovery. 
Saw Lar, 17, injured in Burma Army mortar attack
 Naw Ku Kyi, a 25-year-old mother of three, originally sustained injuries to her forehead, back and fingers. She is pictured below in her condition immediately after the attack. She survived and is recovering. 

Naw Ku Kyi, a 25-year-old mother of three, injured in Burma Army mortar attack


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